Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Video Game Streaming - Follow Me as "Phresh_Ninja79"


I'm venturing into unknown territory and will be trying my hand at Video Game Streaming. If you don't know what that is, it is when someone like me broadcasts their gameplay on the internet for others to view and and enjoy. Viewers can follow, or subscribe to the streamer to help them become more well known.

Help me out on my new journey and check out the links and hit the follow or subscribe buttons.

I'll be broadcasting on two main places:
1.)  Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/phresh_ninja79
2.) YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/phreshninja

I've been an avid fan of Video Games my entire lifetime. Video Games are my true passion and have been my long time hobby on the side. I am a Gamer 4 Life.

Whether or not I'm successful at Video Game Streaming, I'll continue to do it to gain more fans and more loyalty and recognition during the long run. If it pans out and continues to be successful and generates some funding, I will add more interactive features later on like "Prize Raffles" and "Give-aways" etc.

Hope to see you all online, and don't forget, you can also follow me on other Social Media, such as:
Twitter [  @phresh_ninja 79 https://twitter.com/phresh_ninja79  ]
Facebook [  https://www.facebook.com/PhreshNewMedia ]
Instagram [  #phresh_ninja  ]

Walt Jimenez (a.k.a. Phresh_Ninja79)