About Me:
College Graduate of Multimedia and Computer Science.
Multiple Cisco Systems Certifications.
IQ of 127.
30 years of I.T. experience since '95.
25 years of professional experience.
I've been using the internet since before Google (2004).
4 year student of Muay Thai kickboxing and martial arts.
Lived 3 doors down from a Canadian Military base for my first 20 years of life.
Video Gamer for life.
Here I am in 2025. I have not posted on my blog in about a year. January 2024 was my last entry. I hate politics. I detest how things are going and how people are so misinformed. I'm going to just express my short opinions of leadership in Canada. You don't have to agree with anything that I say because it is my opinion that I've formed with my own observations, data collection, and logic. You can like it, or you can hate it, but take it with a grain of salt.
For many years I've tried to stay out of any political conversations because the conversations are always so polarized one way to the extreme or to the other. Debate, and vitriol annoys me so bad. If a politician can't discuss actual fixes and solutions to problems without first deploying defamation of character, then he/she/they are a hypocrite and loser. The world needs more problem fixers, and not complainers. Right-wing politicians like Conservatives and Republicans ALWAYS deploy this tactic and it has really pushed me away from their ideological beliefs.
Let's begin with Justin Trudeau. He's a Left-Wing Liberal and I don't hate him but I also don't love him as our former leader. The state of the Canadian economy is in great disarray. It needs to be fixed. I live in the Metro Vancouver area on the Pacific North Coast. Housing costs are too high. Grocery costs are too high. Gasoline prices are too high. Everything is too crowded.
Recently, I've been watching more news broadcasts, reading more websites and negative comments but I really dislike the hate that Trudeau is receiving. So many people are blaming him and only him for every wrong thing in the country. People should not forget that he is not the worst leader in the world. [cough, cough, Trump]. Trudeau is genuinely trying to lookout for the welfare and inclusion and well-being of it's citizens. He is constantly trying to help minority groups of people that have been neglected, only to receive negative feedback when he's trying to help issues. The issues themselves are usually so big that they can't be resolved easily or quickly and I think that's why people get mad. It is like saying, why take a bite of food if you aren't going to finish the dish?
On the positive, Justin Trudeau has helped save countless Canadian peoples lives and livelihoods during the COVID-19 pandemic by sharing National funds through the CERB program (Canadian Emergency Response Benefit). More families would have otherwise starved, and even more businesses would have shut down if they didn't receive that financial support from the government. And while it didn't solve the bigger problems, it helped. If someone fell on the ground, and you helped to pick them up to stand again, isn't that better? Or would you complain, and say well it only helps a little so I won't even bother helping that person stand up.
I think that what people are forgetting is that there are many people behind him that are the ones to actually blame. For instance, Sean Fraser, the former Minister of Immigration and former Housing Minister made an enormous miscalculation and let in around two million immigrants into the country over the past three years, putting a gigantic financial burden on Canada's systems, and spreading the economy too thin. On October 24th, 2024 Trudeau had to announce a major policy reversal and huge immigration cuts (https://youtu.be/kdOYMqiN9bQ). Fraser resigned from those positions.
Another instance is, Chrystia Freeland, the Deputy Prime Minister and former Minister of Finance. On December 16th, 2024 she was supposed to submit a 2024 Fall economic statement and 2025 fiscal budget and financial plan, but instead of submitting a plan and report, she outright quit leaving all of the blame on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. If that isn't throwing someone under the bus, then I don't know what is.
So both of these documented incidents show that they fucked up big-time, then left Trudeau on his own to be devoured by the wolves. Politicians are assholes. Since Justin Trudeau is at the top of the heap, he had to take all of the heat and blame for the massive mistakes. He's not entirely innocent as those mistakes were made under his watch, but he didn't cause the problems on his own.
Something people don't know is that I've actually met Justin Trudeau in person way back in 2002 when he was still a Secondary School teacher in Vancouver. He was friends with or acquainted with my sister Rowena Jimenez, and her late husband Michael Cordiez (2018 may god bless your soul). Trudeau was visiting Michael and Rowena in their home in Tsawwassen, BC along with friends Ross Tweedale and Sean Smillie. I was residing there in my sister's home in Tsawwassen and briefly spoke with him about snowboarding, skiing, and he stated he would soon be seeking to enter Parliament some time in the future to follow in his father Pierre Trudeau's footsteps. Justin seemed like a normal and nice guy.
Fast forward to December 27th, 2024 and I saw something despicable. A lady had posted on social media, confronting Trudeau at Red Mountain Ski Resort parking lot and telling him "You suck. Get the fuck out of BC". All of this instantly triggered me because she said it and did it while he was on vacation with his family and in front of his children. She has been identified as Emily Duggan from Slocan Valley, BC. What a disrespectful shitty thing to do! If someone had said that to me in front of my child, he/she/they would get a massive punch to the fucking face. People should not be pulling stunts like that just to gain popularity on social media.
There will be a federal election in 2025. Pierre Pollievre is also a Prime Minister candidate and he is a Right-Wing Conservative. He's the same age as I am (born in '79) but I just don't agree with everything he says. He uses the same underhanded defamation techniques I've described up in the second paragraph. I can see why people are gravitated to him because he is a superior debater. He's a Master Debater (joke intended). People I call political lemmings, are swayed so easily. You shouldn't like someone because they talk like a boss. Just because he can be entertaining to listen to while he tears into opponents, doesn't necessarily make him a good leader at all. It just makes him a good shit-talker that can't actually solve problems. You shouldn't base your votes on negative propaganda and just because your friend agrees with it. You shouldn't base your votes because of misinformation on social media. You shouldn't base your votes because you see people dog-piling and hating one candidate without first seeing lists of Pros vs Cons and negative information on all candidates. Hate trains are stupid. Would you jump off a bridge because everyone else is doing it?
Right-Wing Conservatives are known to align themselves with keeping the upper-class wealthy and rich, while increasing wealth disparities, making middle-class and lower-class even more prevalent. They take shortcuts to problems, to appease masses, but not really solving the issues. It can make them look good because tax breaks are great to people who do not see the bigger picture. Fingers also pointing at Donald Chump. I try not to use his real name anymore. More on that later. Conservatives and Republicans have been known to oppose Climate Change
policies and certain Human Rights. This can't be ignored. Not all Republicans think this way but violations against Human Rights are deeply seeded with the Confederate South Republicans that were in favour of slavery in 1861 during the American Civil War.
The Canadian economy needs someone who can fix it. On January 16th, 2025 Mark Carney announced his entry into the Canadian leadership race. I think this is a great thing. Carney is a life-long economist and has saved the Canadian economy once before (2008) and he also saved the British and UK economy (2013) before. If a building was on fire, would you choose the fireman to put it out or would you listen to Pierre Pollievre trash talk about the fireman and convince you that the fireman is terrible at his job, and that he is better suited to put it out? I am not one of those people that is easily swayed. I have a brain and I use it to form my opinion before listening to others. Canada needs better and Carney might be the guy to actually solve the crisis. Canada does not need another belittling rich bitch that can get away with anything he wants like south of our border.
I use a lot of metaphors and people might say that is cliché. I do it because I am technology consultant and often have to describe complex situations in easier to understand Layman's terms to people.
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