Opinion by Walt Jimenez
About Me:
College Graduate of Multimedia and Computer Science.
Multiple Cisco Systems Certifications.
IQ of 127.
30 years of I.T. experience since '95.
25 years of professional experience.
Been interested in computers since before Google (2004).
4 year student of Muay Thai kickboxing and martial arts.
Lived 3 doors down from a Canadian Military base for my first 20 years of life.
A Video Gamer for life.
I can't stress how much I hate politics. It's crazy that I thought myself politically neutral in the past. All that's changed for me in 2024 and 2025 after seeing what's happening now especially when it comes to recent Far-Right, Right-Wing unjust politics. So sorry USA. Now look what you are stuck with.
It's just ridiculous to call someone a Libtard. People who have sided with the modern Conservative party are so filled with hatred. I am voting for Mark Carney and Liberals in the next Canadian Federal Election because it aligns with my beliefs. I believe in truth, real solutions, real problem solvers and with less vitriol.
I don't believe in leaders who's only strength is to put others down, just to gain false dominance. These types of bullying, lying, candidates only tell you what you want to hear so they can get voted in. It's easy to spot these dirty players. It's mostly complaining, and without explaining how they would fix a problem in-depth. It's not difficult to highlight mistakes or missteps of your enemies, but it takes real leadership and intelligence to solve the actual issues and problems at hand.
Politics is a dirty sport and nobody is ever really clean. Usually, the best you can do is vote for the cleanest one but some people just don't spot them or don't want to. We're lucky we even have a choice. The people in communist countries or countries with dictators barely even get a democratic voice like Russia, or China, or North Korea.
You can't just call me a Libtard. People who use the term are acting like this is his/her (insert pronoun) one and only vote ever. I've been voting in Canada, carefully and logically ever since I've been of voting age. Every time I've voted, it was for the best Prime Minister candidate to me, at the time, and it was always the winner. I've also voted for the Conservatives in the past so no, NOT a Libtard. Can YOU even name the last four or even five Prime Ministers of Canada without Googling it right now?
I've voted for Justin Trudeau multiple times. I've voted for Stephen Harper multiple times (A CONSERVATIVE!). I've voted for Paul Martin. I've voted for Jean Chretien multiple times. And, in local and provincial elections, I've also voted NDP and even Green Party. So again NO. Not a Libtard!
It really isn't the end of the world if Pierre Pollievre is not the one leading our country. I get it though. I want the same end result for myself and for all my fellow Canadians. I want lower taxes, a more affordable lifestyle, and to have everything cheaper again. I've got a family to support and a business to run.
Mark Carney does have the extended capability to get us there and without
sacrificing so much liberty that Pollievre wants to get rid of. Mark
Carney has solid economic principles, proven monetary policy, massive world economic
experience, and a vast resume to get us there. Why are people so
convinced by the Conservatives that Carney is somehow evil and can't make the country better?
Stop viewing everything in black and white. There are shades of grey in
Mark Carney has already helped the Conservatives multiple times in the past for almost a decade; a fact that Pollievre is desperately trying hide by using former Prime Minsiter Stephen Harper to rescind his old high regard for Carney. It's a bold political play (or lie) to say someone wasn't even there and did not lend a helping hand in recovering the economy. To try and erase Carney's consulting involvement in the Conservative party is proof that he is a real threat to Pollievre's chance at leadership. Pollievre needs to quit lying and making Carney look like a bad guy just because he also tried to help Trudeau and the Liberals in recent years.
I've already done my research and homework and just because you have an opposing view than mine, doesn't mean that I'm the one who's wrong or that you can change my mind. I'll never bow down to Pollievre and have my nose up his ass no matter how charismatic sounding his lies are! He fights dirty, and I'm not down with that.
Let's pretend it's hockey. Say Carney was a superstar player on the Edmonton Oilers and led them to multiple wins. Then later on in his career, he played for the Vancouver Canucks and they won a few games but started to lose more near the end. Then Pollievre comes and says, nope. He never played for us in Edmonton and he was never a good player....lies.
And I already know this isn't a perfect analogy. Carney was never officially part of the Conservative Party because he was an outsider consultant and he was also busy being the Governor of the Bank of Canada. Listen to that sentence again... Governor of the Bank of Canada which is a gigantic responsibility and super important position. It's the same that he was never officially part of the Liberal Party these last few years, because again, he was an outside consultant. If you don't know what consultant means, it is that he was a hired gun; an independent expert that was asked for his advice and input because of his specific expertise. I know this because I'm a consultant. An information technology consultant that does work for multiple companies and individuals. Carney is not an official member of the Liberal Party yet. He will win the Liberal Party leadership very soon though.
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