Thursday, January 25, 2024

Wi-Fi 7 Is Coming And Is AMAZING! (but I don't know if I'll be part of it)


I've been a big advocate and participant of 802.11 technology since it's inception in the early 2000's. I've seen just about every iteration of Wi-Fi including non-ratified versions that are unavailable and unknown to the mass market. The 7 known and ratified generations of Wi-Fi versions are the official FCC and publicly acknowledged worldwide standards that are made available to consumers and end-users. Wi-Fi 7 or 802.11be is just around the corner.

What is Wi-Fi 7?
Wi-Fi 7 is the latest Wi-Fi technology available in Canada (also known as IEEE 802.11be Extremely High Throughput). It uses all three bands – 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz – to maximize internet speeds and eliminate congestion.

When will Wi-Fi 7 be available?
Wi-Fi 7 products from various brands and vendors will become available in the first half of 2024, with pricing information to be announced at a later date.

Why should I upgrade to Wi-Fi 7?
If you experience slow or buffering internet, a Wi-Fi 7 router may be the solution you're looking for. Wi-Fi 7 offers faster speeds with its ultra-wide bandwidth, advanced modulation scheme, efficient resource utilization, and improved transmission capabilities. With Wi-Fi 7, you can enjoy seamless streaming of 4K/8K videos and online games, as well as improved reliability for emerging applications like virtual reality, online gaming, and remote work.

How does Wi-Fi 7 work?
Wi-Fi 7 makes use of the full potential of the 6 GHz frequency band to double the bandwidth of previous generations – allowing for faster speeds and more simultaneous transmissions. It also increases the number of spatial streams from 8 to 16, meaning more bandwidth for each device. Additionally, Wi-Fi 7 uses a higher-order modulation scheme called 4096-QAM, which allows for 20% faster transmission rates compared to Wi-Fi 6.

How fast is Wi-Fi 7?
Wi-Fi 7 provides speeds that are 4.8 times faster than Wi-Fi 6 and 13 times faster than Wi-Fi 5 – allowing you to enjoy faster and smoother internet experiences. With speeds up to 46 Gbps, you can expect the fastest internet ever and seamless device connectivity.

How many devices can I connect to Wi-Fi 7?
With Wi-Fi 7, you can connect twice as many devices as with previous generations. It uses a technology called 16x16 MU-MIMO, which means it has 16 streams instead of 8, so it can handle the increasing number of Wi-Fi devices and provide enough bandwidth for all of them to run smoothly.

Why do I say that I may not be part of it? As a subset of my entire I.T. career as a whole, I have a been a Wi-Fi Specialist and Professional Wi-Fi Site Surveyor since 2006. That is 18 years already. The last few years though and with the release of Wi-Fi 6 802.11ax in 2019 the demand for my services have waned. There's probably a few reasons why interest for my services have fallen off.

Firstly, I have been winding down my availability for Wi-Fi surveying and assessment projects to focus more on my daily duties and activities for family and to take on smaller projects for my Phresh Digital Arts & Consulting business.

Secondly, the Wireless technology has evolved so greatly that some people still haven't migrated from Wi-Fi 5 802.11ac, because the connections speeds are still sufficient for their day-to-day needs. Moving up to the more modern standards means that users have a requirement for higher bandwidth applications such as 4K and 8K wireless video streaming. Basically, if you have a requirement for bigger volumes of wireless data, then you'll only be looking at the newer Wi-Fi 6 or 7 standards and beyond.

The third reason is that companies and individuals might have found alternate resources for their Wi-Fi tech support and information because the information is more readily available now and more abundant. It has been about two decades after all.

The fourth reason is that competition can be fierce. With so many vendors and other I.T. boutiques out there, you can easily get undersold, underbid, or adversely receive behind-the-back trash talk, convincing people not to seek you out.

The fifth reason is that I am a senior specialist, meaning that my consulting services, are at a premium which could cause many prospective clients to look elsewhere. Budgeting in these times, during economic hardships can be a real challenge.

Here are some older posts that discuss my opinions on Wi-Fi:

Wi-Fi Survey Types and Methods

Top 5 Mistakes People Make When Blaming Wi-Fi

Compartmentalized Wi-Fi Design and Me

Extending Wi-Fi @ Home