Sunday, April 19, 2015


Phresh Ninja is back. Well it's been more than two years since I last closed my old blog and there have been many significant changes that have occurred in my life. During that time I was so busy with life (and still am) that I have not fully maintained my Phresh New Media website and blog.

Here's a few things I've been up to in the last 2 years or so:

- working full-time for the company called IOSecure
- did a bunch of pro-bono free consulting for my own company Phresh New Media
- sold our 3-story townhouse and
 bought a newer bigger executive styled townhome
- got a new dog and named him Yoda
- got pregnant with my spouse Marie had a baby boy named Xavier
- bought a new vehicle. A 2014 Ford Edge SUV

There's probably a few more points I forgot to mention but these are the most noteworthy.

I'll try to keep up with posting at least once a month as I did in my previous blog. There's alot of tech experience to share and I'll do my best to put it out there.

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