Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge - Annoying Security Notifications And How To Disable Them Without Rooting

I recently upgraded from a Samsung Galaxy S3 to a Galaxy S6 Edge. The S3 was an awesome phone and the S6 Edge is just a newer sexier form of it.

If you are like me though and find that there were way too many Security Notifications and want to disable them, I found a solution. These annoying Notifications seem to pop-up every few minutes even though you aren't doing much with your phone.

I did a tonne of research on the web by looking through various forums and comments sections and experimenting on the phone on my own and I actually found a safe and easy way to do it. Some people list that the only way to permanently get rid of the Security Notices involved Rooting your phone, which voids the warranty. You don't need to Root your phone if you follow my steps.

Here's how you can do it in a few simple steps:

 - Open the Play Store and search for the app named "Package Disabler" by OSPolice
- there is a free version or there is a paid premium version.
- download and install it. I chose the premium version and only paid about $1.60 CAD
- open it, it will give you the option to disable a number of packages to prevent them from even starting on your phone.
- put a check mark beside the following items:

     * BBC Agent
     * com.sec.enterprise.knox.attestation
     * KLMS Agent
     * KNOX
     * KNOX
     * KNOX II
     * KNOX SetupWizardClient
     * SecurityLogAgent

- once the checkmarks are beside those packages, the text should turn red meaning they've been disabled. Return back to what you were doing with your phone and enjoy!

That's it! Let me know if that works for you or if you have any comments.

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