Thursday, December 6, 2018

Tired Of Whiney Gamers and Looking For Real Reviews

I’m so sick and tired of whiney gamers that complain about everything about a new game they are playing. 99% of the time they are just overbearing and complain way too much about a game that they can’t even imagine programming or developing themselves. While I do believe it is important to have an honest personal opinion about things, I don’t think that people should preach criticism when they themselves can’t even create what they are talking about. That goes for certain hypocritical video game review sites and YouTubers as well. What they are saying is simply an opinion. It should not be taken as an authentic fact that applies globally.

When I look for a review of a video game, I try to look for the opinion of other game developers to see what his/her insightful point of view is. Often he/she will have a better opinion and will have a much broader viewpoint with constructional criticism.

If you are looking to online forums, YouTube or other sources of game reviews, where the gamers are the complainers, all you are going to get are whiney little babies that complain of what they didn’t get out of the game. Those types of gamers need to take a minute to focus on what he/she did get out of the game and why it was enjoyable.

If the problem is a serious glitch then, yes it should be brought to light so that the developers can patch it. If it is just ridiculous negative banter of why you couldn’t get this certain item, or how you wish this certain mechanic of the game was like another game, I just automatically tune-out of what this type of gamer is even saying because it just doesn’t matter to me. If you don’t like a game, don’t play it and shut-up! It’s that easy. If you are going to focus on the bad and none of the good, then your review and opinion is garbage to me. An impartial mind, can see both good and bad.

Often I just skip the bullshit and go straight to the review numbers so that I don’t have to sit through painful reviews that could potentially ruin a really good game. I go to and just look up the name of the game and the average percentage it got. I have been using GameRankings for nearly 20 years ever since 1999 when it first launched and I find it way more accurate than other websites. Other review websites try to emulate the same thing but get ruined by negative gamers like . The word CRITIC is in the name for god’s sake. F#*% OFF!!

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