Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Early Reviews of Video Games Are Trash


Here's my hot take. Early video game reviews, are total trash. If a video game is within it's first year of releasing, it is not fair to judge it at release. Multiple bugs will need to be removed and multiple hot fix patches need to be applied. It is way more fair to judge a video game after six months to one whole year later. That is twelve months from it's launch date.

I get that it is nice to get a preview of a game as soon as it comes out. Even I want to get a general sense of what it is and how it entertains, but as a whole, it should never be judged with finality until it has baked in the oven a little longer. I'm sick and tired of hearing news outlets, and so-called reviewers trash games before they have enough time to get really good. It happens over and over, time and time again. I've seen it countless times over the decades of being a gamer and I've been gaming close to fourty years already.

Why do people overlook this trend? If you are a true gamer as I am, then you need to let go of people's early opinions of a game and just let that game get better. Some reviews might be accurate at even six months after release, if the game development team has worked out the major wrinkles.

Bad opinions and negative reviews early on, can severely damage the long-term success of a video game in it's early stages. It is a proverbial shot in the foot.

In so many cases, video games are rushed by deadlines and greedy, impatient investors who want to push an incomplete mess out to the public, only for the product to be shamed. This inexplicably causes the game's development team to scramble even harder to accomplish the post-release fixes.

Critics don't create the video games. Media and publishers and reporters are the individuals that make-up whatever they want to get more readers. Are they really focusing on the big picture. Are there even enough outlets that can actually wait six months to one year to review a video game? Do these people exist? Yah they do. I am one of them. Real users that make their own opinion, without being influenced by others. If you're in a hurry to be the first at everything (reviewing anything at launch), there's always going to be degree of letdown and disappointment.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Watch 4K Netflix On Your PC Step-by-Step

You might have noticed that watching Netflix on your PC was a bit blurry. You’re not wrong. However, there are options to force Netflix to stream in 4K Ultra HD.

For 4K Televisions with a dedicated set-top box, the process is different and is usually more simplified. However, for PC users, you can follow this guide to get the optimal 4K experience.

While Netflix does offer 4K playback on PC, achieving this level of quality requires a few steps. Ultra HD video demands certain software, hardware, and other requirements, and failing to meet just one could prevent the viewing of sharp 4K highly detailed playback.

Here are some of the common reasons why Netflix may not stream in 4K on your computer:

1.      No 4K monitor, or no 4K TV with 2160p resolution.

2.      No 4K (premium) Netflix subscription.

3.      The original video content is simply not encoded in 4K.

4.      Streaming quality settings are not set to high.

5.      Incompatible software or hardware (see Netflix 4K system requirements)


Perceptively, here are the requirements for 4K Netflix on your Windows PC:

1. First off, you’ll need to make sure that your computer monitor or TV supports a resolution of 2160p which is also known as 4K or Ultra HD. You also need to make sure that the HDMI cable supports higher bit rates and the HDMI cable must be HDMI 2.0 or HDMI 2.1 as of writing this document in 2022.

2. If you haven’t subscribed to Netflix’s premium plan, you’ll only be able to stream content in either 1080p on a standard subscription or 480p on basic. To unlock 4K and playback on 4 simultaneous devices, you’ll need the premium plan. In Canada the premium Subscription is $20.99 CAD/month.

3. Not all content on Netflix is available in 4K. A list of Ultra HD content on Netflix can be accessed from this following URL (https://hd-report.com/list-of-4k-ultra-hd-movies-tv-shows-on-Netflix/). It is current as of August 22nd, 2022. I am not sure how often this list is updated so you may need to search the web for a more current list.

4. If you haven’t opted for high-quality payback in your settings, Netflix will stream content at a lower resolution.

    Click your Profile icon on the top-right of the screen and then go to “Account”.

    About mid-way down the screen under the “Profile & Parental Controls” click the down arrow beside your name icon.

    Look for the last item in that list called “Playback Settings” and the click the word “change” on the right-side.

    You should now be in the “Playback Settings” page. Look for the very last option. On the very last option, make sure the circular button is selected beside “High” Best video and audio quality…

5. Modern hardware and software requirements. This section has a few more parts. Here are the system requirements for streaming Netflix in 4K on your computer:

(A)    Compatible 60Hz 4K TV or display that supports HDCP2.2. To play 4K video, you’ll need to use a display with a minimum 60Hz refresh rate and HDCP2.2 support. If you don’t know your screen’s specifications, you should check the manufacturer’s website for more information.

(B)    25Mbps or higher internet connection. You’ll also need a reliable internet connection with a minimum speed of 25Mbps to keep up with all of the high-resolution content. If you’re aiming to stream content in 4K, you’ll need an internet account that can accommodate the high data usage. As noted on the Playback Settings screen, Ultra HD uses about 7GB of data per hour.

Here’s how to check what resolution Netflix is using:

Play a video and press either Shift + Control + Option + D (Mac) or Shift + Control + Alt + D (Windows)

Inspect the Playing bitrate line to see the current resolution. If that line shows 3840 x 2160, then Netflix is streaming in 4K.

Press the key combination Shift + Control + Option + D (Mac) or Shift + Control + Alt + D (Windows)to close the bitrate overlay.

(C)    The right software. Microsoft Edge for Windows, Safari for macOS, or the Windows Netflix app. On top of that, only certain browsers support 4K video, which is why you’ll need to use Edge, Safari, or the Windows Netflix app. You will also need HEVC Codec software. HEVC stands for High Efficiency Video Coding. The HEVC Codec can be obtained from this URL (https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/hevc-video-extensions-from-device-manufacturer/9N4WGH0Z6VHQ?hl=en-ca&gl=ca)

* Also note that you may need to be signed into a Microsoft account in order to download the software.

D.(D)   Powerful CPU, such as modern Intel or Apple silicon. Most modern CPUs should be able to handle 4K video. However, if you experience performance issues, check that your CPU, GPU, and all other components are up to the task.


E.(E)    Compatible HDMI 2.0 or HDMI 2.1 cable. Finally, if you’re connecting your computer to a TV or display via HDMI, you’ll need to ensure that the cable supports 4K video.


Once you have everything set up correctly, when you view the descriptions of 4K content, you’ll notice “HDR” or “Ultra HD 4K” beside the descriptions.



Friday, May 27, 2022

My Experience with YouTube and Twitch Content Creation

With regard to my history with YouTube, I had already been a member of YouTube since 2007. When I signed up for Gmail, I was automatically granted with a YouTube account as well because they are both tied to Google. I had only posted on YouTube for the first time in 2010 with gameplay from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and from Star Wars: The Old Republic. All of this was done without video capture hardware or any kind of dedicated streaming setup. All I had was a MSi gaming laptop equipped with a GeForce Video card and screen recording software.

In 2015 and 2016, I really struggled with home life and my relationship, and I also struggled with sustained stability in my employment, which led to financial struggle, and issues with my mental health. I needed to make some changes, and I became motivated. I had been watching various streamers on Twitch for at least a year and began researching how to go about using Twitch. That same year I quit my main job and focused on my own side-business Phresh New Media which I started in 2000.

For years, I had really wanted to figure out how to stream video games and put my gameplay on the internet. In 2016, I researched, and bought various types of video capturing hardware and finally got everything to work. However, it was always an uphill battle even up to now after 6 years. I primarily wanted to figure out the technology which I did, but I also wanted to see if I could catch a lucky break and get a big following online. Once I had everything set up for streaming, I first started out with Overwatch and then moved onto Destiny and The Division.

Starting out on Twitch, I realized that it was very difficult to get followers and subscribers, and I also had to broadcast myself while playing games. I had joined a Facebook group for Twitch Streamers from the Vancouver and lower mainland areas and was greeted pretty coldly when I asked people to check out my channel. I couldn't understand why others were greeted so warmly and why I was getting slapped by negative comments and cold shoulders. It still boggles my mind and I felt like I was being treated like an immature teenager rather than a grown adult by others in the streaming community and it really turned me off but I kept at it.

By 2017 I had over 300+ followers on Twitch but decided I wanted to switch my focus to YouTube instead. Twitch had various limitations in place and the biggest thing that changed my mind was gaming itself. I felt that having to do commentary, or talk while I played, massively took away from my gaming experience. I did not feel immersed any longer and I could not concentrate on playing a game well. To me IMHO it was like having to talk through a movie I was watching but not really being able to enjoy it because I couldn't concentrate on the story or the visuals as I would if I could just be silent and absorb the experience.
On top of that I was limited to low bitrates and low quality video streaming in Twitch until I hit a certain subscriber threshold, which I was never able to get to.

However, by moving to YouTube, I was able to produce considerably higher quality videos with much higher bitrates, and without limitations. It also freed me from having to do commentary, that took away from my enjoyment of the game I had been focusing on.

Fast forward to 2022, 5 years later and I finally have over 120+ subscribers on YouTube, nearly 800 uploaded videos, and nearly 90,000 combined views on all internet sources. I still feel however that this number is incredibly low compared to other people and their channels, considering the amount of work and effort I've put into my own YouTube channel.

There are still issues with how the YouTube algorithm works and how it handles traffic and redirects. My channel and videos receive far less views than other channels that have much lower quality. Those lower quality channels and videos somehow receive far more views and hits numbering in the thousands. When I post a video, I couldn't understand why I only received 12 or so views while someone with similar content was getting 12,000 views or more. It is something that is still ongoing and is really unfair. I'm struggling to get thousands of views on certain video clips while ten-year olds with iPhones are getting millions of views on their silly, effortless video clips.

Over the years, my hardware has gotten much more expensive but also much better. My company has transitioned from Phresh New Media to Phresh Digital Arts & Consulting. I'm still enjoying playing various video games and sharing the high-fidelity visuals with anyone and everyone on the internet that is interested. Gaming is not just for kids and is actually self-care. It provides an escape from stresses and hardships in real life and really improves mental health.

Check out my channel here:

also recommended viewing:
(10 Misconceptions About Gamers from Non-Gamers)

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Toxicity, Criticism and Psychology 101

I'm not a fan of toxicity or criticism and I used to have a major anger management issue before I learned martial arts. I often diffuse the frustration of criticism by boiling it down to the psychology of the fragile person doing the criticizing. It always comes down to one of two things.

 1.) They perceive you as a threat to their own position. They know that you can do something better than than themselves or have some value greater than theirs and jealousy kicks in. They try to take you down a notch by fabricating or constructing things that you have done in error while in the eyes of others. They will refuse to be constructive in your case and won't support any positive accomplishments.

 2.) They perceive you as weak and feel they can further assert dominance over you. It can be something you've done by mistake or that you haven't pushed back when pushed.

The solution is always to play it cool but know when to turn up the heat. You can often find a way to show how they are a valued asset as a team member instead of competition, or you can rip them a new asshole and show them why you've accomplished what you've accomplished and that they haven't even done as much as you have.

These are some of the things that run through my own mind every time I hear criticism in conversations:

Social Media and misinformation in the 2020's is the most dangerous weapon the world has ever seen in our entire human history. It is absolutely mind-fuckingly ridiculous how fake news, unproven opinions and misinformation can somehow outweigh and overrule scientific, truthful facts.

We are in a new digital age. The internet can be amazing but it can also be filled with toxic people. Trolls and whiney complainers are too common. Just remember this saying "those that mind, don't matter, and those that matter, don't mind".

There are people out there who only want to undermine you. Just know that they are usually less capable of doing what you can do. It usually means the only way they can falsely establish importance over you is to demean you in front of others or talk behind your back. Challenge them to do it better in solo competition, and then do it better than they can. Win. Tarnish their reputation instead.

If the comment is negative without even being just a little constructive, the only thing that I will hear are farts and plops of shit coming out of an asshole.

The truth about human psychology is that everyone's a critic until they have to do the very exact work that they are criticizing. STFU already. Hypocrites are insignificant. Be constructive or GTFO.

Criticizing makes people feel big or important. That's why they do it because they are insignificant while trying to be significant.

Just because you like to offend people doesn't mean that YOU are right. If you are proud of being an asshole, you are just proving to everyone that you are a feeble attention whore.

Oh wah. Underestimation is a bitch isn't it. I bet it makes you mad that what you said about me isn't true.

Sorry this is a team effort. Stop complaining about how I do it. If you don't like the way I do it, then feel free to do it yourself. When you attempt to do it ,I will gladly aggravate you right back.

Either way, if you are criticizing in a non-constructive way without a comment on how to improve something, I already automatically know that you've lost. That is textbook loser behaviour.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Unbanning People On Twitter Is A Bad Idea

If Elon Musk makes changes to Twitter that will allow people like Donald Chump back onto the platform, I probably don't want to stay on it anymore. (Yes, I purposely spelled his name wrong because I absolutely detest this person.) Just because D.J.T. is a rich, shark-like businessman, that does not make him a good leader or a good person at all. People that believe in him are either misinformed or have a Lemming mind-set.

For one thing, it could probably incite more protests, more riots, and a massive escalation of misinformation and fake stories. DJ Chump is notorious for lying and spreading misinformation more than anyone on the planet.

I understand Elon's want for free-speech, but it shouldn't be at the cost of peace. Hate-speech, misinformation will be empowered if he allows this kind of change. Censorship exists for a reason. Certain people dislike it because it is another form of control, which they deem oppressive, but in actuality censorship is more of a safety mechanism.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Wi-Fi Survey Types and Methods


Wi-Fi Surveys can be performed in one of three modes. It can be operated in Planner mode (also known as Virtual Predictive Survey), or the default Passive Survey mode and lastly an optional Active Survey mode. Each of the specific modes are used for different purposes. The two most popular software brand packages for surveying are Ekahau or AirMagnet.

The Planner mode involves the process of creating and adjusting a virtual environment model, utilizing a selection and placement of simulated APs. To create a virtual model of the environment, the physical objects that affect radio wave propagation are input into the application and using the tools to draw the position, size, and type of building materials. Planner mode uses built-in or custom-designed walls, floors, attenuation areas, simulated access points, and a large selection of antenna patterns. The resulting WLAN model can then simulate coverage and output heatmap examples that can be analyzed for theoretical AP placements.

In a Passive Survey mode, the wireless network card does not associate itself with any particular AP or SSID (Service Set Identifier). Instead, it simply listens to the RF data moving through the site, detecting and recording all RF signals and noises in the environment. Passive Surveys do not have to be performed as AP on a Stick method. Passive Surveys are normally performed either during the pre-planning stage or post-installation stage. During the pre-planning stage Passive Surveys help to determine design around problem areas and working with rogue AP’s. Passive Surveys in the post-installation stage help to validate performance and detect actual coverage of all broadcasting AP’s in designated areas. By default, AirMagnet Survey opens in the Passive Survey mode and can be toggled to Active if needed. Passive Surveys are able to collect both 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz data at the same time. Passive Surveys should be used to test multiple AP performance and to detect Rogues.

In Active Survey mode the wireless network card actively associates itself with just a single selected AP (Wireless Access Point), sending and receiving RF (Radio Frequency) packets to and from the target AP. Active Surveys are normally performed as an AP-on-a-Stick survey. Active surveys are useful for scientific research, lab tests, and finding specific metrics of AP performance, and RF propagation through various types of building materials.

However, In Active Survey mode, surveys are strongly recommended to be conducted separately for 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz results.
While using Active mode for AP-on-a-stick surveys, it is possible to choose Dual-band which in theory scans both 2.4GHz and 5.0 GHz bands but results from such surveys are at the mercy of the end-client network interface card and its Wi-Fi choices. The NIC on the end-user device is what decides how to connect to either 2.4 GHz or 5.0 GHz which can leave gaps in survey data collection if Dual-band is selected. The NIC can swap between 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz depending on signal integrity using its own internal device computations without the surveyor or user being able to control it. That is why it is better to select one bandwidth at a time for more consistent and reliable results.

Additionally with Active Surveys, inconsistencies in results can arise if the environment is not controlled.

During active association, beamforming is created between the AP and end-client NIC and can cause some skewing of results.

Active surveys should only be used to test singular AP with singular end-client performance. Results will vary if there are multiple clients connected or multiple APs involved (roaming).

Using Passive mode for AP-on-a-stick surveys can collect data for both 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz at the same time without gaps in data collection. Results from Passive mode AP-on-a-stick surveys can be more consistent and is far more time-saving.

AP-on-a-Stick (APoaS) methods are most often performed to test a specific predetermined AP model in an environment. This can be a long and tedious task if there are several planned AP placements. AP on a Stick surveys can be performed in either Passive or Active modes but usually have different purposes. AP on a Stick Surveys are typically conducted in the pre-planning stage to test the performance of the predetermined specified AP, and helps to identify the best locations for installation and deployment of wireless access points.

During an AP-on-a-stick Survey, the test wireless access point is usually suspended approximately three meters from the floor and placed on or near the ceiling. Typical installation locations of APs should be placed no higher than four meters and near ceiling height in a spot where it is most likely to give the best wireless availability. In most instances where the ceiling or rafters are unreachable or inaccessible, the AP’s are simply secured to the top rung of a step-ladder for testing purposes.

In situations where there are very high vaulted ceilings more than four meters, AP installations should consider wall-mounting as a primary locations while the AP’s are using their default Omni antennas. The distance from AP to end client will affect connection quality and stability. If proceeding with vaulted ceiling installations, please consider using APs with diversity antennas that can be swapped. Certain types of directional or higher dBi output powered antennas can be used for focusing signals downward or in the proper direction.

The information gathered from multiple readings and surveys can assist in determining the optimal positions for each AP.

Top 5 Mistakes People Make When Blaming Wi-Fi


Compartmentalized Wi-Fi Design and Me


Extending Wi-Fi @ Home

Friday, April 8, 2022

Extending Wi-Fi @ Home


[UPDATED 2022-04-08]
[originally posted 2015-11-24]

Almost everybody is already using Wi-Fi but countless amounts of people want more coverage at home. Maybe your Wi-Fi works great in your living room but not so great once you carry your device to into your kitchen or some other room and suddenly you lose the internet connection.

Many people think that by going out and buying a brand new wireless router and adding it onto their network will solve their Wi-Fi problems. In theory they want to extend the wireless coverage but in actuality, adding a router can cause major havoc to your home network. What you really want to do is add a Wireless Access Point, and NOT a Wireless Router or at least disable the routing DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) features on the new router.

Adding an additional router to your network will cause problems. When you sign up for your internet service your internet service provider company, (whether it be Telus, Bell, Shaw, Rogers etc.) will always provide you with a hardware router and will have one of their technicians install it on premises for you. It is important to only have ONE single router on your home network. It is completely senseless to have more than one router on your small home network. Having more than one router on your home network can potentially cause a network loop and will create internet connectivity problems. The routers will compete with one another to try and hand out IP addresses to devices detected on the network and will cause errors. Some devices won't connect because of IP address conflicts and in some cases, the device may not even get connected to the outside internet. This network loop problem will affect both wired and wireless devices on the network.

There are a couple of solutions to this. If you already went out and bought and installed a router then, the first solution is to disable a feature called "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol" or "DHCP" or "DHCP Server" within the new router. You would access this by logging into the newly added router and changing it's configuration. Reference your Instruction Manual on how to do this. By turning off the DHCP settings in a router, you are essentially turning the layer-3 network router into a layer-2 network switch. This will alleviate any network conflicts with any existing router. If you want to know about networking, there are actually 7 layers called the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model.

The second solution, if you did not already buy a wireless router, is to just go out and buy a Wireless Access Point. It can be plugged into the network and should work automatically without creating any network problems. You will still need to log into the device and change the Wireless Security Settings to your preferences. Don't leave it at the default state or you could be giving free and open internet access to any Wi-Fi device.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

My Thoughts on Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock

Everybody saw how Will Smith went up on stage and slapped Chris Rock at the 2022 Oscar Awards Ceremony.


I don't have anything against Chris Rock. I don't have anything against Will Smith. What people fail to see is both angles of it. They will always take one side and not consider the grey areas or factors in-between.

Will Smith was defending his wife's honour as a result of a distasteful joke. I believe that Will was justified for defending Jada Smith and demanding respect.

I think an important issue in this day and age, is that many people with children, have forgotten to teach them about respect. Social Media apps have enabled and wrongfully empowered kids to disrespect everyone without any recourse or repercussions.

On the other hand, Will might have overreacted with his actions. But do you think more people will disrespect his wife while in his presence now, or will less people do it?

Jim Carrey made some comments how he thought Will's actions were sickening and that he would have sued him for 200 million dollars. Let's take a look at Jim's view though. From his standpoint as a very famous and funny accomplished comedian, Jim is used to disrespecting others to get laughs out of bystanders, and also getting paid for it (getting away with it). That's a common trait he shares with all comedians including Chris Rock. Let's not forget how much more severe controversy there would be if the situation had been a black man slapping a white man on national television.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Why I Stopped Playing Destiny 2

I've been a loyal Destiny player since its inception. I was given the opportunity to play the Alpha and Beta versions of the original Destiny as early as April, 2014 before it's official release in September, 2014. I have been playing Destiny and Destiny 2 since then all the way up to January, 2022 when I ceased playing. Just shy of 8 loyal years with hundreds and thousands of hours spent and with well over 1.2 million confirmed enemy kills.

Many players of Destiny games dropped off after finishing the story and didn't even want to put up with the grind of every new Season over the years. Each new season did provide new weapons and new armour sets, and variations of combat arenas but was mostly the same game. Rinse and repeat. I went through several years of it, because it was enjoyable and stress-relieving.

What put me off recently though, was the following. In November, 2021 Bungie had sent me an email asking to participate in a survey. If you filled out the survey and were chosen as a candidate you could be given a $450 gift card. Then, you would be interviewed by a researcher, and given a 7-day set of tasks within game. Here is an exact screenshot image of the wording. [click image for sharper view].

I went and filled out the survey which was much more substantial and in-depth than I had imagined and it took quite a while to fill out. I submitted the data, but I was never contacted again...

I felt like I was suckered into giving all this information with no reward of any kind or with any consideration. The next few times I booted up Destiny 2, I felt like it was monotonous work and all the fun had been sucked out of it. It no longer felt enjoyable. To me, it felt like having someone dangle a piece of crispy, delicious bacon in front of my nose in order to get all of my information, but only to give the bacon, and other goodies to someone else. Maybe the chosen individuals had put more effort into the game or maybe they were just more famous and had more followers/subscribers on their streaming and social media accounts. Either way, it demotivated me, and I effectively quit the game after that.

Maybe I set myself up for disappointment but it soured my view of the game. I realized that Bungie (and all game developers) were just like any other company out there, finding out what people want so they can exploit money out of them. Did I shell out over $100 dollars for the new Witch Queen expansion? No I did not.

Reviewers are saying that The Witch Queen expansion is the best version of Destiny 2 yet. This created some mixed feelings with anger and disappointment, but with some hope as well. I will eventually go back to the game to satisfy my curiosity and see what people are talking about, but for now it has freed up some of my spare time so that I can play other games that I've had on my radar for a long time.

Here's some Destiny 2 clips that I captured as an elite veteran.


Tuesday, January 18, 2022

My Experience Catching COVID-19 in 2022

For 33 months I had been so extremely careful not to catch any illnesses. I had nearly made it three years without becoming sick with any kind of cold or flu. Unfortunately this year on January 14th, I tested positive for the current Pandemic flu. It was estimated that on January 7th, 2022 for when I contracted the COVID-19 Corona virus Flu and started feeling symptoms. It was in one of the least expected places.

I had caught COVID-19 by going to my dentist. How do I know this? Well because my appointment was the absolute only public place that I visited and therefore is the absolute only possible source. Normally it would be a process of elimination by determining what places I visited but the noteworthy evidence that there were no other places visited before, or after just completely and utterly keeps pointing at the fact that it was from the Dental Office. I work from home so I went directly from home, to the dentist, and then back home again. No other stops or locations were visited at all.

Usually Dental Offices are known to be quite clean and sterile. This leads me to believe that somebody either knowingly infected or unknowingly infected, came into the office and left some of their germs within the vicinity where I was being treated. Perhaps he/she did know they were carrying a mild version of a cold and assumed it would still be okay to go to the dentist.

There's so many surfaces I could have contracted it from. Was it the entrance door handle? Was it the dental chair or maybe the bib? Was it a single instrument that might have been missed for sterilization? Was it the fancy computer touchscreens or keyboards, that the hygienist kept touching with her fingers and hands? Was it the Debit card machine, and the publicly touched number pad? I was trying to let it go but having my careful 1000-plus day health record broken so easily by someone's reckless behaviour still bugs the shit out of me.

I knew I was sick so I wanted to find out if it was COVID-19. I live in the Greater Vancouver Area and I registered to get tested at one of the registered test sites by using this website for Fraser Health. (https://fraserhealth.secureform.ca/index.php). From all of the instructions and demo videos, I had the notion that I was going to be tested onsite with the PCR test which involved swishing a saline solution in my mouth and then spitting it back into a test tube. However, when I showed up to the test site, they were not allowing anyone inside the facility and instead were handing out Antigen Rapid Tests for taking home. I asked why and they said it was due to the number of outbreaks and this test was safer to take at home. If I tested positive, I was instructed to quarantine at home. I took the rapid test kit home and used it. It involved using a long Q-tip device to swab up and into my nasal cavity for both nostrils, then dipping it into a solution. Then I would drip the solution onto the testing unit that looked like a pregnancy test, and after 15 minutes, it ended up testing positive with two-lines displaying on the unit.

I suppose another reason, is that I'm still upset is because of how badly this COVID-19 flu hit me like a semi-truck and made my entire body suffer. Here is the timeline and list of symptoms I experienced which were pretty terrible.
    - Day 1 - mildly itchy throat, almost like a very slight allergy.
    - Day 2 - mild sore throat, came and went throughout the day.
    - Day 3 - more sore throat, slight cough came and went throughout the day.
    - Day 4 - very evident cough, constant headache for the whole day.
    - Day 5 - constant migraine, extreme chills, fever, sweating, fatigue.
    - Day 6 - nausea, fever, chills, sweats, massive fatigue, sore muscles.
    - Day 7 - cough and nausea dissipated, fatigue, fever and chills present but less extreme.
    - Day 8 - most symptoms gone, first day of normal feeling.

I am very fortunate and thankful that I have had 2/3 vaccinations against COVID-19. It definitely reduced my chances of being mortally sick and I did not have to go to the hospital. It saved me from having breathing problems, and it saved me from losing my sense of taste and smell.

It did however cause me to spread the sickness to my family at home, even though I tried my hardest to quarantine myself in a private room in my house for days. Eventually my wife Marie and my 8-year old son Xavier soon also caught COVID-19 and each suffered their own set of significantly bad symptoms.

Since all of us are now infected, we are quarantining together. We aren't leaving the house, and we have found ways to order our groceries, ordering food for takeout, and overall, just comforting each other and spending quality time together. We are hunkering down, staying warm, eating snacks, and watching lots of movies and television shows together. Sickness can be much more comfortable when we are all there for each other. Even our dog is a bit out of it because he is still recovering from recent surgeries as well.

The sad irony of it all is that about four days into my symptoms, I got the government notice that I was eligible to book my third booster vaccine...talk about kicking someone while their down, or rubbing salt in a wound. GEE THANKS A LOT!