Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Unbanning People On Twitter Is A Bad Idea

If Elon Musk makes changes to Twitter that will allow people like Donald Chump back onto the platform, I probably don't want to stay on it anymore. (Yes, I purposely spelled his name wrong because I absolutely detest this person.) Just because D.J.T. is a rich, shark-like businessman, that does not make him a good leader or a good person at all. People that believe in him are either misinformed or have a Lemming mind-set.

For one thing, it could probably incite more protests, more riots, and a massive escalation of misinformation and fake stories. DJ Chump is notorious for lying and spreading misinformation more than anyone on the planet.

I understand Elon's want for free-speech, but it shouldn't be at the cost of peace. Hate-speech, misinformation will be empowered if he allows this kind of change. Censorship exists for a reason. Certain people dislike it because it is another form of control, which they deem oppressive, but in actuality censorship is more of a safety mechanism.

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